Wednesday, 17 June 2015

How To Make Money Online Writing Reviews

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 Make money writing reviews
How do you make money online writing reviews? Who actually pays for the reviews? How does this method of making money online qualify as being worthy of our attention here? This (and many more) undoubtedly are running through your mind as you decide whether or not to give the reviews model a second thought. So, to cut an orderwise lengthy introduction short, how exactly can you make money online writing reviews?
First things first – what exactly is a review?
What Is A Review?
A review is an objective opinion of a product or service written by a third party who has used the product or service in question (or got reliable information from those who have) with the major intent of helping those who wish to make the decision either to patronize or buy such a product or service arrive at a most rational conclusion.
From the simple entry in the fore paragraph, it is worthy to note that a review must be objective. Most likely, your readers may not take your reviews seriously especially when they discover (to their dismay), that all your reviews have five stars or the products you feature have no cons whatsoever!
Review Models
To make money online writing reviews, you may choose to follow any of the numerous models available for doing this. Choosing a model depends on a number of factors and conditions present. However, on a general (and broad note), these are the options that are available for anyone wishing to make money the reviews way.
The Amazon Model
Amazon is no doubt the biggest online marketplace on earth – and the great thing about this is that the company has one of the simplest and most straightforward affiliate system available online. Getting started is as simple as filling a simple form at the Amazon Associates sub domain and starting off with the products you are interested in.
Usually, the commisions run to the tune of 10% and your account only gets reviewed after you’ve recommended your very first sale. Rejection rates are low and the program works great with niche sites that already have an audience very familiar with Amazon. Such an audience includes citizens from US, Canada and UK.
Stand – Alone Review Sites
Many sites are created for the sole purpose of writing (and making money) via reviews. The trappings of this type of site is that almost every review is positive and the end result is to convince you to buy something – no matter how bad the product (or service) actually is.
Such stand-alone sites could incorporate such other features as promoting goods on the Amazon store, Commision Junction and other numerous affiliate programmes out there. To have your readers take you serious, you must be really objective about the products you feature and have the sincerity to make sure that if a product is deficient, you actually point out the fact expressly to your readers. You would be surprised that many readers actually get to manage a multitude of cons a product may have and still find out a way to buy…such readers may even go out of their way to ask you to write a certain review because they have come to trust your judgement.
What is to be noted is that standalone review sites could be specific (just optimized for a particular product – usually a hot selling one) or general (embracing just about any product out there). To be successful in any, be sure to properly optimize your posts and if you have to do any external promotion, make sure it is highly targeted to the audience most likely to but the products you so passionately review.
A Regular Blog
Most of us already run a regular blog with readers that trust what we have to offer. If for instance your next entry is about the 10 Books that have changed your life, it would be worthwhile to provide links for your readers to get the books (should they be interested). In such a case, any sale of the very books you recommend would also mean a certain commission for you. However, to recommend such books, you must be willing to write a thorough review of the books, bringing out their great sides (and possibly down sides) and explaining exactly how the books can benefit your readers. Needless to say, you must be entirely honest – and must recommend only top notch books…readers have a way of smelling insincerity miles away!
Or, it could be a theme or plugin you just bought that manages to do great things…simply sign up as an affiliate with the author and really write a thorough review pointing out the great features (and also not forgetting the ‘not so great’ options). Such a system of sincerity helps your readers make informed choices and the authors of such solutions more alive to the various responsibilities that accompany producing – and marketing a product.
The Best Option?
This is the hard bit!
But, having used both models, I can reliably tell you that writing product reviews on a regular blog pays far more higher. The reason is that while the seller or author of the product pays for the initial post, you also get your affiliate link right in the post. This means, your capacity to earn on such a post is actually forever and theoretically unlimited.
However, the chances of making it big with a dedicated reviews site is also present (especially if you know what you are doing). Once you command a sizeable number of readers/followers, it would only be natural for companies, manufacturers and marketing firms to contact you directly…at that point, the money in question could run to thousands of dollars!
But, you have to really work your bum off if this model is going to make you any returns.
Final Thoughts
All the review methods outlined here are great in their own respects. What is simply needed is dedication to a particular system till it pays off. Having said that, permit me to ask what system you actually use? Has it been leading you to the success you desire?

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